Design your
own programs
Design your
own programs
Design your
own programs
All of the programs are hand-designed by highly trained professionals, parents with specific requests will work as a team together with the therapists to design the programs most suitable for your own child’s needs.
The idea of ABA covers all aspects in life, below are some examples of programs that could be designed.
Academics: Such as writing, math, and school subjects
Self-help: Things that your child need to function in his/her daily life, brush teeth, wear clothes, toilet training.
Life skills: Essential skills for daily life, your child would learn how to clean his/her room, and also learn how to be independent.
Vocational skills: Skills needed to be learned to contribute to the workforce, computer skills, cutting skills, organizing skills.
Speech and communication: Using the Verbal Behavior approach to bring preverbal communication skills out and also to enhance Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) for non-verbal children. Children would also learn how to communicate effectively with family and peers.
School readiness: Improving your child’s behavior before placing him in school. Disruptive behaviors are curbed so as to have your child attend to school and perform well.